
The Employment, Learning & Skills Specialist Strategic Partnership (ELS SSP) is one of five themed sub groups of Halton's Local Strategic Partnership.

A strong economy provides the key foundation for any prosperous and successful place. It provides jobs, opportunities, wealth and aspirations for local people. The ELS SSP partners work together to match the needs of local business to the skills of local people and thus lead to sustainable development in Halton.

Sustainable economic growth and prosperity requires a commitment from ELS SSP partners to encourage and support a vibrant business sector and a commitment to employment, learning and skills to satisfy all stakeholders in Halton.

marker Connexions
marker Graduates into Employment Unit
marker Halton Borough Council
marker Halton People into Jobs
marker Halton Voluntary Action
marker Halton YMCA
marker Job Centre Plus
marker Learning & Skills Council
marker Riverside College Halton
marker Skills for Logistics
marker Warrington Collegiate

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